BounceOT Stirling Sponsor Packages
By becoming a sponsor, you'll enable an individual with a disability to access 1:1 services at our autism-friendly & wheelchair-accessible play space.

Blue Sponsorship
£36.90 per month (per month)
As a BLUE Sponsor, you are enabling a child or adult with a disability to access 1:1 support from specialist staff for 1 hour per month.

Gold Sponsorship
£73.80 (per month)
As our premium - GOLD - Sponsor, you are enabling a child or adult with a disability to access 1:1 support from specialist staff for 2 hours per month...OR...2 children or adults for 1 hour each per month.
What are the benefits of becoming a sponsor?
- Welcome pack - including some BounceOT merch!
- Thank you note from the individual and/or family you are funding!
- Blue or Gold Sponsor logo for you to advertise that you are supporting BounceOT Stirling CIC (e.g. on your social media or website)!
- Your name and/or logo of your organisation on our website and social media!
- Your name and/or logo of your organisation featured within our Annual Social Impact Report - displayed on Companies House website as part of our good governance!
- Opportunity to come and visit the site in Stirling, meet our team, and potentially meet the individual(s) you are sponsoring!
- You are entitled to book 1x Family Fun session per month - for you, a loved one, or friend (subject to availability)

Stirling Community Lottery
Stirling Community Lottery is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Stirling. All good causes supported by the lottery will benefit Stirling and its residents.
Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 per week, with a top prize of £25,000!
A weekly draw takes place every Saturday night. Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!
From every £1 ticket you buy, 60p will go to BounceOT Stirling CIC.

Support us on Easy Fundraising
We are raising money to improve the quality of life and participation in meaningful activities for children and adults with disabilities, and their families.
Our vision is for everyone to be happy, healthy, and able to do the things they want, need, or have to do.
Want to support us with a regular or one-off donation? You can do so on our Easy Fundraising page.